Subscription FAQs
When will I be charged for recurring orders?
Your first order will be charged immediately, just like a normal order. Recurring orders will be charged the first of the month and ship out shortly afterwards.
How often will I get a new subscription item?
You will get a brand new candle scent every month!
Can I purchase one of these candles without a subscription?
You have to be a subscriber to get first chance at these specialty candles. If we have any extra after fulfilling the subscription boxes then we will list them for sale to non-subscribers.
How do I find out the the scents of the candle of the month?
Each month's theme & scent is a mystery, but you can find out if you're a member of our private Facebook group.
When will my box ship out?
All subscription boxes renew on the first of the month and will be shipped out right after that. If you order between the first of the month and the 15th, you'll receive the current month's subscription box. If your order comes in after the 15th, you'll receive the following month's which ships out the first week.
How do I manage my subscription?
When you signed up you received a welcome email. There is a MANAGE SUBSCRIPTION button in that email that will take you to your portal to where you can see when your delivery info, change your shipping address, update billing info, etc. LOST THE EMAIL? Don’t panic! Just email us and we’ll be happy to help you out!
How do I pause, cancel or restart my subscription?
There are two choices in the customer portal: PAUSE or CANCEL.
• PAUSE: When you pause your subscription, you can restart it at any time when you’re ready.
• CANCEL: you can cancel your subscription at any time, but there is NO option to restart it once it is canceled. You would need to resubscribe.
Can I change my subscription date?
If you would like a certain subscription box to arrive around a specific date (for a birthday or holiday), please reach out to us we can ensure our fulfillment team meets your request.
Why doesn’t my promo code work?
Sorry, subscription products are not eligible for any discount codes. If your cart contains any subscription products, any discount codes will not work. Please purchase subscriptions separately from other products.
I live in Salem, can my subscription be picked up locally?
If you're a SALEM, MA resident, please use code SALEM at checkout to flag your order for local pickup. Please wait for us to contact you before you come to pick up your order.
Can I return it if I don't like it?
Sorry, because of the nature of the subscription box they aren't eligible for returns. If you get one that you don't like, it would be a great re-gift to someone!